How many people in Douai Lingerie R&D department?
The total number of workers of the R&D department accounts for 20% in Shanghai Douai Lingerie Co., Ltd.. R&D differs from the great majority of corporate actions since it isn't meant to yield instant profit and generally takes greater danger and an unclear return on investment. This is a type of advice to us. We've spent years creating new products or services, and enhancing existing products or services.

Douai Lingerie is an enterprise that incorporates lacy panties development, market development, production and sales. Douai Lingerie's full-cup bra series are created based on unremitting efforts. Douai Lingeriedeep u plunge push up bra has the best design that comes from professional designers. It is a perfect gift for ladies who attache importance to underwear. The product blends seamlessly with any architecture. With proprietary diffusing lens and reflector system, it delivers an optimal light distribution. This product definitely makes ladies look sexier and more charming.

Providing you with the highest quality service is we's commitment. Contact!

Douai Lingerie is an enterprise that incorporates lacy panties development, market development, production and sales. Douai Lingerie's full-cup bra series are created based on unremitting efforts. Douai Lingeriedeep u plunge push up bra has the best design that comes from professional designers. It is a perfect gift for ladies who attache importance to underwear. The product blends seamlessly with any architecture. With proprietary diffusing lens and reflector system, it delivers an optimal light distribution. This product definitely makes ladies look sexier and more charming.

Providing you with the highest quality service is we's commitment. Contact!