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While moisture levels can cause wood to expand

by:Douai     2020-05-23
All vinyl floors have a cushion backing, which comes in variety of thickness. This property is valuable especially when vinyl is installed in the kitchen where there is a higher tendency of dropping breakables. Unfortunately, the thicker the cushion backing is, the easier the floor can suffer from dents. To solve this problem, you can choose textured vinyl surfaces to camouflage the dents.Vinyl flooring comes in two forms. These are in tile and sheet forms. Most people who do their own installations prefer to use vinyl tiles. These are easier and quicker to install. Most vinyl tiles come with adhesive backing that an installer will have to peel off, position on the floor and stick it on. The surface where the vinyl will be installed should be clean and smooth to provide a good and tight fit. Others have felt backing and glue application is needed on the floor surface for installation.
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