The trend is beautiful and refreshing.

Lingerie has come on a long way since the days of girdles

by:Douai     2020-05-18
Toe Lingerie The idea behind this is that some women's toe divides (where they attach to the foot) show when wearing certain shoes. This can be unsightly and derive attention away from the shoes themselves, so toe lingerie has been invented to hide this part of the toe. These bands of material are elasticated for ease of fit and comfort, and they come in all colours and materials. Therefore, they can actually add to your whole look - whether you choose some in black lace and wear then with some studded high heels to add to the rock chick look, or a subtle nude shade to some ballerina pumps, it's a style which you can always have fun with. Tights Masquerading as Stockings or Over-The-Knee Socks This trend is very 'London meets Tokyo'. They're opaque tights but when they get to the thigh they turn into 15 denier thickness - although with the silhouette of stockings or the over-the-knee socks. Frankly, these are pure genius. Edgy or cutesy, wear them how you wish. Plus, the details on this hosiery are very clever indeed, and some even incorporate bows and stitching. Backseams with a Twist We all love backseamed stockings or tights - that long black line lengthening the leg adds confidence to any outfit. Now you can get backseams in all sorts of guises, whether it be diamantes leading delicately up the stocking or an artistic vine climbing up your leg, the choices are endless. You can class the backseam stocking in the same league as the train of a wedding dress or a bustle. The detail is at the back, firstly not to distract away from your face and secondly, to leave them with a sight to remember. Slimming Tights These are a great alternative to shape wear. Much more comfortable and forgiving - if you just want to create a sleek silhouette rather than lose a dress size, then the slimming tights are for you. The best ones go all the way up to right underneath your bra and have some adhesive gel to make them stay put. The reason for this extreme length? Well, it won't allow for overhang, you'll get the best results if the tights don't stop in the middle of your stomach - that alone will create an unsightly line, no matter what your size.
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